Laws of Freedom vol. 2
In march 2016, in Aubertin – France, Mescalibur and Matthew Tyas got together again, to record the second volume of “Laws of …
In march 2016, in Aubertin – France, Mescalibur and Matthew Tyas got together again, to record the second volume of “Laws of …
une série de chansonnettes enfantines, issues du répertoire de la culture populaire française, remises au gout du jour pour de nouvelles interpretations …
[youtubelist id=”PLEFE078B995C51210″] [youtubelist id=”PLEFE078B995C51210″]
During the last 3 days of 2011, I made a video album following a simple concept. One take for each track, filmed …
made a few simple pages to listen to some old stuff of mine. Works well on most devices (iOS, android, osX, win…) …
Un nouvel album, improvisé et enregistré au piano en une mâtiné. Vous pouvez écouter et télécharger l’album sur la page suivante : Un lundi …
Dans la continuité naturelle des spectograms voici le nouveau concept mélangeant musique improvisé, analyse audio, écriture, dessin, vidéo… Dans la continuité naturelle …
A simple piano solo tune, for you A simple piano solo tune, for you Too far to touch Play Now | Play …
These last days, on the side of making things with Unity, Spectrograms, milky water and others, I’ve also been working on a …
I know, I went wild, but I wanted to test a few things… the hardest was to stop ! The camera movements …